Namibia Cricket Team, nicknamed the Eagles, is the men’s team that represents the Republic of Namibia in international cricket. It is organised by Cricket Namibia which became an associate member of the International Cricket Council (ICC) in 1992.

A team representing South West Africa played in South African domestic competitions prior to Namibia’s independence in 1990. After joining the ICC the country soon became one of the leading ICC associate members in Africa. Namibia finished second at the 2001 ICC Trophy, thereby qualifying for the 2003 Cricket World Cup in South Africa.

The team made its One Day International (ODI) debut at the tournament but failed to win a match. Beginning in 2004, Namibia participated in every edition of the ICC Intercontinental Cup, finishing runner-up in 2007–08. It also featured at the highest levels of the World Cricket League (WCL), twice participating in the WCL Championship, and finished third at the 2012 ICC World Twenty20 Qualifier.

Namibia finished runner-up at the 2019 WCL Division Two tournament to secure ODI status and qualify for 2019–2023 ICC Cricket World Cup League 2. The team finished fourth at the 2019 ICC Men’s T20 World Cup Qualifier to qualify for the 2021 ICC Men’s T20 World Cup. It subsequently recorded its first World Cup victories, defeating the Netherlands and Ireland in the first round of the tournament to progress to the Super 12 stage.

Namibia will be taking on UAE in the 10th match of the T20 World Cup 2022. The match would be hosted by Kardinia Park Stadium, Geelong. The match will be played at the 3:00pm local time and 9:30am IST.

Namibia squad: Gerhard Erasmus (c), JJ Smit, Divan la Cock, Stephen Baard, Nicol Loftie Eaton, Jan Frylinck, David Wiese, Ruben Trumpelmann, Zane Green, Bernard Scholtz, Tangeni Lungameni, Michael van Lingen, Ben Shikongo, Karl Birkenstock, Lohan Louwrens, Helao Ya France.

Namibia Team Players List for T20 World Cup

Player name Age Batting Style Bowling style
Gerhard Erasmus (C) 27 YEARS Right Handed Off break
Craig Williams 38 YEARS Right Handed Right-arm medium
Divan la Cock 19 YEARS Right Handed Leg break
Nicol Loftie-Eaton 21 YEARS Left Handed Right-arm medium
Pikky Ya France 32 YEARS Right Handed Off break
David Wiese 37 YEARS Right Handed Right-arm medium fast
Jan Frylinck 28 YEARS Left Handed Left-arm fast medium
JJ Smit 26 YEARS Right Handed Left-arm medium fast
Michael Van Lingen 24 YEARS Left Handed Left-arm medium
Bernard Scholtz 31 YEARS Right Handed Slow left-arm orthodox
Ben Shikongo 22 YEARS Right Handed Right-arm medium fast
Ruben Trumpelmann 24 YEARS Right Handed Left-arm fast
Tangeni Lungameni 30 YEARS Left Handed Left-arm medium


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